I remember hearing in our fitness classes, the importance and necessity of working on the core everyday, to become a better dancer. How having a strong core helps overall with strength and balance.
Recently, during a movement workshop, which was not specifically a dance class, but mainly a physical theater class, I was not surprised to hear once again the emphasis on the core by the instructor. An interesting bit was pointed out, he mentioned how it was believed long time ago that the heart was actually where our core is ... that is our abdominal area, because that is where you feel the most. Well, you do.. think about it ...
..butterflies in the stomach,
..act from your gut,
..feeling sick in the stomach due to nervousness or anxiety..
all these emerge and some you can actually feel in your core, I guess they had a good reason to believe that's where the heart was ... to me this is another reason to realize the power and importance of our core, which seems to contribute to our physical and emotional beings.