Post Dance Show Syndrome (PDSS)

Posted by el_ingeniero Monday, October 5, 2009

Post Dance Show Syndrome can be a very enjoyable and a very annoying disease. The medical research community has only recently started to tabulate and research this syndrome in greater detail. Though it has been found to be very common in the populace. It is specifically named Dance Show Syndrome due to its large occurrence among dance show dancers. Though these cases have been reported among stage actors, social dancers and practitioners of many other physical art forms.

It has been found that symptoms are usually prominent within the first 24 hours after a dance show. The symptoms are said to intensify over the next 48 - 72 hour period following the initial 24 hour kick in. This period can last from up to 7 days to 1 month. Though some sufferers of this syndrome have known to never fully recover throughout their lives and they jump from doing one dance show to another incessantly or fully involve themselves in some form of dancing throughout their lives.

- Dance show tunes still playing in head all day.
- Legs occasionally moving to dance show beats even while walking to meetings.
- Ability to think about things other than dance severely reduced.
- Unsure of how to fill rehearsal times with other "meaningless" activities.
- Reliving the harrying moments on stage in the head.
- Laughing hysterically at the stupid mistakes while getting wild stares from coworkers.
- Insatiable appetite for dance show pictures and videos.
- Having to try very hard to control yourself from not commenting on every photo and video on every website.

Treatment & Care:

These treatments have NOT been known to completely cure these ailments but can be helpful in alleviating symptoms
- Watch movies.
- Sleep
- Try to stay in face to face meetings with boss all day (this is a very severe form of treatment and NOT recommended for everyone)
- Work out incessantly.
- Listen to music that makes your head explode.

The only known successful treatment in fact more DANCE, which is the cause of the syndrome in the first place. This type of treatment is a rather rare for a syndrome since it is not caused by a virus whereby a virus's DNA can be modified to combat the said virus.

No known prevention methods are known at this time.
Though living in complete isolation from society has been debated among experts as a form of extreme prevention technique but has never been successfully tested.
Therefore, eventually the rhythm WILL get you whether you dance or not.

I would please invite sufferers of PDSS to comment on this post with their personal experiences, their treatments and their coping mechanisms as it might help the rest of the sufferers find their own solutions as well. There is no substitute to real world data when diagnosing these syndromes.


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